tricks in mini militia
- Never get into a combat with a Pro player who has high scores and experience.
- Avoid using weapons like piston which does not make a powerful impact on enemies.
- Always, keep the weapon reloaded before engaging into a battle.
- Keep the fly power (blue bar) full whenever possible so that it will be useful when trying to escape from a battle.
- Avoid getting in the middle of the attack which is been carried out between other players unless knowing how to kill them both.
- Committing suicide is a better choice when the health is low rather than giving the points to the other player by killing.
- When a bomb has been thrown on you, sitting down would help the player to have less impact on one’s health.
- Place the poison grenade (green grenade) in the place where the opponents would spawn that will kill the opponent automatically.
- Try getting the powerful like shotgun, rifle, sniper, rocket launcher during the combat.
- Make a wise use of double guns.
- Shield and a pistol or revolver would make a great defence as well as offence.
- No use in getting into a combat with hackers, as they would be in god mode.
- Rocket launcher is the most powerful weapon, if you know to aim and shoot.
- Sniper Rifle and a killer sword is a great combination for long and short range encounters.
- Replace the weapons as soon as possible if the ammo get low without spare ammo to reload.
- Lower the shield when the bomb is being thrown at you could save one’s life.
- Melee will help you in giving extra boost.
- The user could choose the map in the lobby where the players get ready. Try clicking on the ‘Maps’ button to vote for the map.
- Switch to fist if it is very close encounter as the weapons may not make a great effect.
- Last, but not the least. Keep playing until you get good experience and compete with the opponents.
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